An event for foot lovers...
This is a private micro-event in the new reserved space OpenMind LOFT, organized by SexoEnGrupoBcn,
Due to the capacity limitation, the event is subject to pre-registration and a selection process to guarantee a homogeneous group in accordance with the specifications of the format.
Feet Party
Club Open Mind
Aragó 130. Barcelona
Friday, MARCH 15.
From 23:00 to 2:00
Price: €10 (non-refundable).
Option to stay in the club after finishing: +15€
Send an email with the following information to
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Subject: Flip-Flop
-Full name
-2 photographs: face, torso (separately)
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Asunto: Feet Party
-Full name
-Role (active, versatile, passive)
-Feet size.
-2 photographs: face, torso (separately)